I am currently an Academy of Finland post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Tampere, working on the role of digital visual media in security politics. I am also a Docent of Media and Communication at University of Helsinki.

I started my postdoctoral project in 2015 after receiving my Ph.D. from the Centre for Advanced Security Theory at University of Copenhagen on February 12, 2015. My Ph.D. assessment committee, composed of Professor Michael Shapiro (Hawai’i), Professor Peter Burgess (PRIO) and Associate Professor Karen Lund Petersen (Copenhagen), characterized the work as ‘strong’, ‘innovative’ and ‘theoretically sophisticated’ and a work that ‘go well beyond merely adequate qualification for a PhD’. I am developing the dissertation manuscript to be published as a research monograph in Routledge’s New Security Series.
My dissertation research combines security studies and new media studies to explore how digital images and new media are changing security politics. As part of this I have been exploring how video can work as a research tool when doing research on images. I am the editor of Visual Security Studies (Routledge, 2018, with Juha Vuori) and my interdisciplinary research has been published in leading peer-reviewed outlets such as European Journal of International RelationsJournalism Practice, and Security Dialogue, and in numerous edited books in media studies and international relations. I have published my academic videos in the peer-reviewed video journal Audiovisual Thinking.

Besides my academic practice I am the chair of the board of the Danish NGO Denmark Against Landmines, and have since 2010 been lead researcher on Danish cluster munitions policy for the Landmines and Cluster Munitions Monitor, a yearly report of global renown published by the Nobel Peace Prize winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

Academic positions

September 2017 – present. Academy of Finland postdoctoral researcher, University of Tampere

August 2015 – September 2017. Post-doc. at University of Tampere.

March 2015 – May 2015. Part-time external lecturer at University of Helsinki, Media and Global Communication Unit.

9. September 2014 – 22. October 2014. External Lecturer at University of Helsinki, Media and Global Communication Unit.

5. August 2014 – 21. August 2014. External Lecturer at Helsinki University, Helsinki Summer School.

15. November 2013 – 15. January 2014. External Lecturer at University of Helsinki, Media and Global Communication Unit.

1. November 2008 – 1. November 2014. Ph.d. student at University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Science

Education and titles

Dec 2018. Docent, Media and Communications Studies, University of Helsinki

2008 – 2015. Ph.D., awarded from CAST Centre for Advanced Security Theory, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen on February 12th, 2015.

13/6/2008. Cand.scient.pol., Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

1/9/2005. Post-graduate course in international law, Faculty of Law, Universidad Austral, Argentina.

30/6/2004. B.A. scient.pol, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen,.

2000. Vefsn Folkehøgskole, Norway.

1999. Student from Allerød Gymnasium, Denmark (High school).

1996. Primary school graduate from Blovstrød Skole, Denmark.

International Experience


August 2015 – present. Post-doc at University of Tampere.

March 2015 – May 2015. External Lecturer at University of Helsinki, Media and Global Communication Unit.

9. September 2014 – 22. October 2014. External Lecturer at University of Helsinki, Media and Global Communication Unit.

5. August 2014 – 21. August 2014. External Lecturer at Helsinki University, Helsinki Summer School.

15. November 2013 – 15. January 2014. External Lecturer at University of Helsinki, Media and Global Communication Unit.

1. November 2008 – 1. November 2014. Ph.d. student at University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Science.

Visiting Researcher positions and international research networks

November 2018 – January 2019. Visiting fellow at University of Queensland, School of Political Science and International Studies.

February – June 2015. Visiting Researcher at Copenhagen Business School.

July – December 2012. Visiting Researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

March – June 2012. Visiting Researcher at Media Lab Helsinki, Aalto University.

September- December 2010. Visiting Researcher at Tampere Peace Research Institute (collaborating with Frank Möller).

Research Network Memberships

2014 – 2019. Nordic Center of Excellence for Security Technologies and Societal Values, an initiative funded by NordForsk and hosted at University of Copenhagen.

Since 2011 – Member of The Nordic Research Network for Digital Visuality, an initiative funded by NordForsk and managed by The Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, Stockholm University.

2010 – 2013 . Member of The International Collaboratory on Critical Methods in Security Studies, an ESRC funded project (RES-810-21-0072) based at the Open University, UK.

Teaching Experience

Ph.D. level teaching

May 26th, 2016. Lecture on using video editing as a research method, at the course Visual Research Methods, University of Tampere (duties: planning teaching programme, course teaching).

December 2-3rd, 2014. Lectures on remediating security at the Ph.D. course Aesthetics, Visuality, Security, University of Turku. Delivered as part of a book workshop and course funded by the Nordic International Studies Association (duties: student guidance, planning teaching programme, course teaching and examination).

January 8th, 2014. Securitization theory for ants: Visual security acts as network effects. Lecture at the Ph.D. programme of Institute for Political Science and Contemporary History, University of Turku (duties: seminar teaching).

December 12th, 2013. Actor-networks and user-produced visual media. Lecture at the Ph.D. programme of the Department of Social Research, Unit of Communication, University of Helsinki (duties: seminar teaching).

December 4-6th, 2012. Complexities and perplexitites of visual politics. Design of course taught by James Der Derian, Michael Shapiro and Carsten Bagge Laustsen at University of Copenhagen (duties: course design and organization)

MA and BA level teaching

April – June 2019New Wars and How to Study Them. Course under New forms of violence in a changing security-scape (POLKVS33     – peace and conflict research). 5 ECTS. Designed, taught and evaluated in cooperation with Ph.D. researcher Mikko Räkkoläinen.

October 8th & 14th, 2017. Guest lectures on digital visuality and visual security studies at the MA course ‘Visual Peace’, University of Tampere.

January – March 2018Introduction to Peace and Security Theory. Course under New forms of violence in a changing security-scape (POLKVA41 – new forms of violence, changes in security paradigms), Full course at University of Tampere, 5 ECTS (duties: student guidance, planning teaching programme, course teaching and examination).

November 7th & 14th, 2017. Guest lectures on digital visuality and visual security studies at the MA course ‘Visual Peace’, University of Tampere.

October – December, 2016Security-Scapes (POLKVA41 – new forms of violence, changes in security paradigms), Full course at University of Tampere, 5 ECTS (duties: student guidance, planning teaching programme, course teaching and examination).

September 26th, 2016. ‘Refugee crisis or crisis of refugee politics’ Commencement lecture at University of Tampere.

December 10th, 2016. Guest lecture on post-structuralist IR theory at the MA programme ‘Russia and Eastern European Studies’, University of Tampere.

November 2nd & 4th, 2016. Guest lectures on digital visuality and visual security studies at the MA course ‘Visual Peace’, University of Tampere.

November 6th & 7th, 2015. Guest lectures on digital visuality and visual security studies at the MA course ‘Visual Peace’, University of Tampere.

October 12th, 2015. Guest lecture on Poststructuralism, MA programme on ‘Russian and International Relations’, University of Tampere.

March – May 2015The Fourth Generation? Human rights and communication in the digital era. Course at Helsinki University, Master’s Degree Programme in Media and Global Communication, developed and taught in cooperation with Minna Aslama Horowitz. The course was taught as a combined online and in-class course. Described at (duties: student guidance, planning teaching programme, online teaching and guidance, course teaching and examination).

September-October 2014Disaster and Conflict News in Global Affairs: The witnessing of suffering from press photography to new media journalism. Course at Helsinki University, Master’s Degree Programme in Media and Global Communication. Planned and taught in cooperation with Professor Lilie Couliaraki, LSE. Course description available at (duties: student guidance, planning teaching programme, course teaching and examination.

August 2014. Summer School on Visual Media and Global Politics, Helsinki Summer School (University of Helsinki/ Aalto University). Course evaluation: average of 4,02 on 1-5 scale, available from Listed at (duties: entrance examination, student guidance, planning teaching programme, course teaching and examination).

December 2013Visual Media in Global Politics:  Seeing Security and Resistance. Course at Department of Social Science, Master’s Degree Programme in Media and Global Communication, University of Helsinki. Course evaluation: Excellent (15 highly satisfied, 0 disappointed) available from Course description available at (duties: student guidance, planning teaching programme, course teaching and examination).

August 20th, 2013Visual Security. Lectures designed and delivered at CAST summer school, University of Copenhagen.

Autumn 2009. Nyhedsmedier i international politisk teori (News media and IR Theory). MA course designed and taught at University of Copenhagen, Institute of Political Science (duties: student guidance, planning teaching programme, course teaching and examination).

Supervision and examination

2017-18. Supervision of Thi Thanh hai Quan’s MA thesis Strengthening supervision and social criticism of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in the State administrative management, University of Tampere.

2018. Examination of Iida Nalli’s MA-thesis, University of Tampere.

2017. Pre-examination of Elina Eloranta’s PhD-dissertation COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO SECURITY PRODUCTION: A new framework for analysis of action and non-action (and the test case of EU counter-terrorism).

2017. Examination of Niilo Palin’s MA-thesis, University of Tampere.

2016. Examination of Benjamin Tayolor’s MA-thesis, University of Tampere.

Pedagogical training

September 2016 – April 2017. 10 ECTS class on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Tampere.

Two-semester 10 ECTS course including theory and practical training related to classroom teaching, teaching philosophy, and theories of learning. Includes feedback sessions and peer supervision.

August 2009. 3 ECTS course in Applied University Pedagogy; University of Copenhagen.

Intensive course including theory and practical training related to classroom teaching training, student activity, course and lecture planning, handling of difficult teaching situations, course development and course evaluation.

Other scientific qualifications

Public speaking and media appearances:

November 28th, 2017. Danish national TV DR2 Dagen, interview about autonomous weapons negotiations.

November 20th, 2017. Danish national Radio P1 Orientering, interview about autonomous weapons negotiations.

April 22nd, 2017. Mother of all bombs var propagandaens moder. Comment in Information (Danish newspaper).

April 21st, 2017. MOAB-bomben i Afghanistan alla propagandaoperationers moder. Analysis in Hufvudstadsbladet (Finland’s largest Swedish-language newspaper).

November 26th, 2015. Front-row Peer at Taksim, Tahrir, Occupy & Co Session 2: Visuality and Urban Space, arranged by Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)and ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin.

November 12th, 2015. Speaker at Tokyo University’s Security Studies Unit.

May 19th, 2014Twitter-kampagne gør ondt værre for bortførte piger i Nigeria (Twitter campaign for kidnapped girls in Nigeria: from bad to worse) Comment in Information (newspaper) about #BringBackOurGirls.

February 13th 2015. Video I konfliktområder (Video in conflict zones) Newspaper article about my dissertation, written by a reporter for Weekendavisen.

November 12th, 2013Vi er alle en del af terroren (We are all part of the terror) Comment in Politiken (newspaper) about the visual goals of terrorism.

August 22nd, 2013. Danish Radio 24syv: 24syv eftermiddag. Interview on videos of use of chemical weapons in Syria.

October 10th, 2012.      Danish Radio P1 Morgen, DR P1. Interview on the use of PR agencies in war and conflict.

October 9th, 2012. ‘Pr-bureauer pynter på brutale regimers ry’ Interview with Danish daily Information, 9 okt 2012.

November 11th, 2008. ‘International political agendas and news agendas’. Talk at public event hosted by Danish Association of Journalists and International Debate.

September 2007. ‘The WTO Agenda and the Media Agenda’. Invited speaker at WTO Forum, an annual public event hosted by World Trade Organization, Geneva.

Peer review experience

International Political Sociology (2014; 2016; 2018)

Security Dialogue (2011; 2017)

European Journal of Social Theory (2016)

Journal of International Relations and Development (2014; 2015)

Critical Studies on Security (2013)

Internasjonal Politikk (Norway) (2012)

Sigge Winther Nielsen (red.) (2011) Politisk Marketing. København: Karnov Group.

Grants, organizational and research management experience

2017. Academy of Finland grant No. 311479 of 263.403 EUR for the postdoc research project Post-human ways of seeing security: the semiotics of automatic visual security management.

2016. KONE foundation grant of EUR 130.000 for research-art collaboration with the group project ‘Colours of security’, 2017-2020. With Juha Vuori, Xavier Guillaume and Margarita Rosello-Ramón.  

2014. Co-organizer of ‘Visual Aspects of Security’, 2nd book workshop and associated Ph.D. course ‘Aesthetics, Visuality, Security’ (With Dr. Juha Vuori). Grant of GBP 7.000 from Nordic International Studies Association. Workshop held at University of Turku December 2014.

2013. Co-organizer (with Dr. Laura Shepherd) of Filming/Film in IR: Visual Methodologies, Aesthetics and Ethics in International Relations, full day workshop at the yearly convention of the International Studies Association. Grant size: $25.000.

2013. Nordic Network for Digital Visuality travel grant, €1000.

2012. Organizer of Visuality and international relations, innovative panel at the yearly convention of the International Studies Association. The first such panel to feature exclusively video scholarship.

2012. Organizer of ‘Visual Aspects of Security’ book workshop and ph.d. course. Organization of course with lectures by James Der Derian and Carsten Bagge Laustsen. Grant of DKK 65.000 from University of Copenhagen.

2010 – 2012. Elected representative of the Ph.D. students in the Ph.D. governance board at University of Copenhagen, Institute of Political Science.

Since 2009. Chairman of Board of Denmark Against Landmines

Since 2002. Member of Board of Denmark Against Landmines

1999. Organizer of Operation Dagsværk (Humanitarian one-day’s work donation event) at Allerød Gymnasium.

Language skills

Danish, mother tongue

Scandinavian, fluent in speech and writing

English, fluent in speech and writing

Spanish, fluent in speech and writing

German, intermediary

Finnish, beginner (level 1 course passed with the mark ‘hyvä’!)

Ph.D. dissertation summary and evaluation:
Remediating Security. A semiotic framework for understanding how video speaks security

In the decade after September 11th, video has become one of our primary ways of knowing about security and international conflict.

Video surveillance is deployed to keep homelands and neighbourhoods secure. Citizens’ video recordings communicate and coordinate civilian protests, and are used in intelligence assessments as well as in journalism. Battlefield video from soldiers’ cameras, from weapon systems, and a steady stream of prisoner abuse videos gives western spectators access to the distant battlefields of the war on terror.

In this work I ask the question of how video articulates security, how it ‘speaks’ security. I answer it by building a semiotic framework for understanding what it is that conditions whether video is able to articulate security political meaning or whether it ends up as non-political entertainment.
I argue that video can articulate security in two different ways: The first is by producing symbolic referent objects that stand in for a broader issue. I assert that the #neda videos from the 2009 Iranian post-election protests did this. The second is by producing evidence of specific situations, as in a court case. The Collateral Murder video released by WikiLeaks became such a piece of evidence, even if WikiLeaks tried to make it a symbol of the war in Iraq. Whether video does one or the other – or remains non-political – is a question that is influenced by the digital mediation systems in which video circulates, by a video’s spectators, as well as by political leaders.

Therefore I argue that video is not like traditional security articulations – e.g. the declaration of war or peace made by a political leader – clear and unambiguous with immediate political effects. Rather it is complex, ambiguous and unstable, always beyond the control of its author and always open for interpretation. Video is therefore what I call a post-sovereign form of articulation.

The Ph. D was submitted on November 12th, 2014 and successfully defended on 12th of February 2015. The assessment committee, composed of Professor Michael Shapiro (Hawai’i), Professor Peter Burgess (PRIO) and Associate Professor Karen Lund Petersen (Copenhagen), characterized the work as ‘strong’, ‘innovative’ and ‘theoretically sophisticated’ and ‘go[ing] well beyond merely adequate qualification for a PhD’. I have been invited to submit a book version of the dissertation for publication with Routledge’s PRIO New Security Series (see recommendation from Burgess)

Academic references

For academic references on the quality of my scholarship, please refer to either of the below:

* Professor Michael Shapiro, University of Hawai’i;

* Professor Ole Wæver, Director of CAST, University of Copenhagen;

* Professor J. Peter Burgess, Professor and Chair of Geopolitics of Risk at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris,